Author: Irene Maurer

Clear words for success: Why writing manuals are so valuable to businesses

Language and wording play a central role in corporate culture, shaping identity, collaboration and external image. Yet they are often neglected and seen as a “no-brainer”. Consultant Sarah Krasser and Junior Consultant Teresa Lackner explain why it is essential to seize the opportunity to shape internal and external perceptions with the help of corporate language, and how a wording manual can help.

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People, Power, Passion 07/23

While summer is a quiet time for many industries, there is no sign of the proverbial “summer slump” at comm:unications – on the contrary: we are currently preparing the PR for two major trade fairs, and we also have media training sessions, jury participation and lots of press releases on the agenda. And with a constant stream of new clients and topics, one thing’s for sure: there’s never a dull moment here.

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