People, Power, Passion 02/24

Sabine Pöhacker and Irene Maurer  I  Newsletter  I  13. February 2024

Europe, Europe, Europe!

The super election year 2024 is reason enough to give you an insight into our work for the EU and the European Parliament in today’s newsletter. As one of Austria’s leading PR agencies, comm:unications has been advising these two important institutions for many years and has since implemented around 60 large-scale PR projects and awareness-raising measures in Austria.

European Elections 2024

Between June 5 and 9, 2024, citizens of all 27 EU member states will be able to cast their votes and thus have a direct say in the composition of the European Parliament. In order to motivate as many people as possible to exercise their right to vote as part of the initiative, comm:unications has been organizing nationwide network meetings with a clear focus on the NPO sector since 2022. In addition, those responsible from associations are invited to take part in communication workshops – from campaigning to clear messaging and storytelling.

EU newsletter for NPOs

Multipliers – and NPOs in particular – play a crucial role in political work. In the run-up to the European elections, which will take place in Austria on June 9, 2024, comm:unications will provide information in newsletters on major topics such as tackling the climate crisis, asylum and migration and strengthening employment and growth in an international context. The client is the Austrian Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Austria.

Information campaign “Social rights for EU citizens”

The EU Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, DG EMPL, launched a campaign in all EU member states in 2023 to make EU citizens aware of their social rights in all areas of life. First things first: 2024 will be all about family and equal rights. comm:unications is responsible for planning, organizing and implementing the PR agenda in Austria, and the campaign will run until 2025.

SoMe campaign #EndGenderStereotypes

The EU campaign #EndGenderStereotypes by the Brussels-based Directorate-General for Gender Equality, DG JUST, has been running in all 27 EU member states since 2023. The aim is to raise awareness of the fact that gender stereotypes massively restrict people in many ways, for example when making life and career decisions. comm:unications is responsible for all agendas in Austria – from the organization of focus and expert groups, consulting, media buying, subject and topic selection including wording, to social media presence and community management.

Local politics: “Europe starts in the community”

The Building Europe with Local Councillors network aims to promote sustainable cooperation between local politicians. The focus is on EU policy initiatives that aim to bring about improvements at municipal level. The close exchange between EU local councillors – both within Austria and across borders – is intended to strengthen the European public space for discussions and EU concerns. In Austria, comm:unications is responsible for strengthening the exchange within the network and supports the recruitment of new members.

“Protect intellectual property” awareness campaign

comm:unications has been supporting the European Intellectual Property Office, EU IPO, with media-effective PR work in Austria since 2020. The most important tasks of the EU IPO include the management of intellectual property and educational work through awareness-raising measures. For example, regular studies are carried out on the consumer habits of young people in relation to counterfeit goods. The “DesignEuropa Award” is also presented annually to explicitly draw attention to copyrights. The comm:unications team is responsible for presenting the issues in an understandable way and publicizing them via media work.

Europe-wide disaster prevention

Climate change is accompanied by environmental disasters such as forest fires, floods and storms. The task of the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, DG ECHO, is to ensure the greatest possible protection against these crises. The latest campaign #TogetherOneStepAhead is being implemented in Austria by comm:unications. The social media campaign presents cross-border projects that lead to greater protection across Europe. EU funding and activities for climate protection and solidarity are also presented transparently.

Pupils’ competition “Imagine EU”

The European Citizens’ Initiative gives citizens the opportunity to play an active role in shaping European policy by submitting initiatives to the European Commission. A toolkit for teachers has been developed to motivate the younger generation to get involved in politics. The ImagineEU competition was also launched, in which students work together to develop ideas for a better European future. comm:unications is helping to activate the right stakeholders and media to publicize this great campaign in Austria.


The close exchange between EU local councillors - both within Austria and across borders - is intended to strengthen the European public space for discussions and concerns of the EU. In Austria, comm:unications is responsible for strengthening the exchange within the network and supports the recruitment of new members.

Sabine Pöhacker

Senior Consultant and Founder of comm:unications

The close exchange between EU local councillors - both within Austria and across borders - is intended to strengthen the European public space for discussions and concerns of the EU. In Austria, comm:unications is responsible for strengthening the exchange within the network and supports the recruitment of new members.

Sabine Pöhacker

Senior Consultant and Founder of comm:unications



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comm:unications has been providing high quality PR services since 1996. For our clients, we develop PR strategies and creative content. We create messages and stories and score with contacts, media relations, video PR and social media. We get things moving with marketing campaigns, PR events and awareness campaigns. Our specialities are systemic CEO consulting, litigation PR and crisis communications.



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