Employer Branding: Review Platforms on the rise
Employer Branding: Review Platforms on the rise
Sarah Krasser-Fuchs I Know-How I 10. December 2024
Evaluation platforms for employers are also gaining relevance in Austria. How do companies manage to use these platforms effectively and why is carefully considered community management essential? In this article, comm:unications consultant Sarah Krasser-Fuchs sheds light on the key strategies for successfully managing employer reviews and gives tips on how to present your employer brand properly online.
The digital review craze does not stop at the world of work. Employees can share their experiences and opinions about their employer on platforms such as kununu, indeed or Glassdoor. On kununu alone, over eight million “workplace insights” were submitted across Austria in 2022, an umbrella term for employer ratings, salary information, experience reports and other categories. Studies suggest that three out of four job seekers use online platforms to find out about potential employers during the application process. The company’s presence, including reviews, has a significant impact on recruiting and the employer brand – both positive and negative.
Don’t be afraid of employer review platforms
Rating platforms offer the opportunity to comprehensively screen potential employers in terms of corporate culture, working conditions and satisfaction of the current workforce. However, as is so often the case in social media, it is crucial to proactively ensure that the descriptions remain balanced and unbiased. This is because anonymous reviews are often unobjective and dissatisfied people are more motivated to leave a review. The following strategies can help to present the employer brand in the right light online:
Create a company profile:
A professionally designed company profile is the first step. The most important information and the employer value proposition should be clearly presented there. In addition, a company profile offers the opportunity to bundle all reviews in one place and to receive notifications as soon as new comments are received.
Respond proactively to reviews:
The worst thing a company can do is not respond to a review. A quick, respectful and professional response shows genuine interest and appreciation towards employees.
Transparency and authenticity:
Dealing openly with criticism is essential. Instead of ignoring or even deleting negative reviews, companies should respond constructively to feedback and offer concrete solutions. This strengthens trust in the brand and signals to potential applicants that criticism is taken seriously.
Encourage positive reviews:
Satisfied employees should be encouraged to share their positive experiences. This can be done through internal campaigns or targeted incentives to even out the imbalance between positive and negative reviews.
Continuous improvement:
The insights gained from the reviews should be used to continuously improve internal processes and the corporate culture. This signals to employees and applicants that the company is open to change and always strives to optimize working conditions and cooperation.
More than just a digital complaint box
Review platforms have long evolved beyond mere digital complaint boxes – they are now key elements of employer branding. Strategic community management is essential to fully leverage the potential of these platforms. Companies that take feedback seriously, respond transparently, and continuously drive improvements not only strengthen their online reputation but also build an employer brand that radiates trust and appeal. By actively engaging with reviews in this way, companies can not only attract top talent but also retain it in the long term.
Companies should use rating platforms proactively!
Companies should use rating platforms proactively!
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