Clear words for success: Why writing manuals are so valuable to businesses

Sarah Krasser and Teresa Lackner  I  Know-How, Uncategorized  I  23. July 2023

Language and wording play a central role in corporate culture, shaping identity, collaboration and external image. Yet they are often neglected and seen as a “no-brainer”. Consultant Sarah Krasser and Junior Consultant Teresa Lackner explain why it is essential to seize the opportunity to shape internal and external perceptions with the help of corporate language and how a wording manual can help.

A wording manual sets out the principles and rules for the company’s internal and external communication and serves as a practical guide for the correct and consistent use of language. After all, if everyone is clear about how to communicate and what is meant by which terms, you can get there faster and smarter.


Tone makes the music
Respectful and friendly interaction with customers, colleagues and stakeholders makes everyday work and cooperation easier. In the service sector in particular, it pays to clearly define the rules of the game for external communication and to support employees with specific communication guidelines and text modules. In this way, a high level of service quality can be achieved even in difficult situations and the risk of miscommunication with serious consequences can be minimised.


Clear rules provide guidance
Do we use gender? Is it acceptable to address the boss as “you”? Do we greet people on the phone with a simple “Hello!” or do we make a point of using the correct academic degree in internal email communication? The possibilities are endless, which is why it is so important to agree on standardised language and save employees from embarrassing gaffes.


Corporate language is part of branding
Language is a powerful tool for communicating values and identity and should not be ignored when considering corporate identity and branding. Consistent terms and messages enhance brand recognition and support a cohesive external image.


What does a corporate wording concept include?

  • A style of writing that matches the corporate philosophy
  • Instructions for the successful implementation of the defined style – including the layout
  • The terminology for the brand essence
  • A toolkit for internal and external communication. The premise: as much standardisation as possible, as much individualisation as necessary.
  • Consistent language rules for addressing people
  • The standardisation of gender-neutral language
  • Do’s and don’ts for responding competently to comments on Google and social media

We think so: A language guide and a consistent language culture are not a luxury or cosmetic, but effective tools for business success and an indisputable part of a rigorous strategy.


Language is a powerful tool for communicating values and identity and should not be ignored when considering corporate identity and branding. Consistent terminology and messages enhance brand recognition and support a cohesive external image.

Sarah Krasser

PR Consultant

Language is a powerful tool for communicating values and identity and should not be ignored when considering corporate identity and branding. Consistent terminology and messages enhance brand recognition and support a cohesive external image.

Sarah Krasser

PR Consultant



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